Add to Feedly

The Add to Feedly Bookmarklet is a time-saving tool for Feedly users and RSS enthusiasts.

With one click, this bookmarklet detects and adds the current website's RSS feed to your Feedly account.

Perfect for quickly subscribing to blogs, news sites, and any other website that offers RSS feeds.

No more hunting for RSS feed links or copying and pasting feed URLs - just click and subscribe!"""www.",""));
Drag me to bookmark bar: 👉🏻 Add to Feedly

This tool streamlines your content curation workflow by:

Why Use the Add to Feedly Bookmarklet?

This essential tool makes RSS subscription effortless. Perfect for content curators, news followers, and anyone who uses Feedly to stay updated with their favorite websites. Simply click the bookmarklet on any page with an RSS feed to instantly add it to your Feedly subscriptions. Works seamlessly with all major websites that provide RSS/Atom feeds.