Google Site Search

The Google Site Search Bookmarklet is a powerful search tool for exploring website content.

With one click, this bookmarklet performs a Google site: search for the current website, helping you find specific content within any domain.

Perfect for searching within large websites, finding specific articles, or discovering content that's hard to locate through regular navigation. Simply click while on any website to see all its pages indexed by Google.

Search capabilities:

Drag me to bookmark bar: 👉🏻 Google Site Search
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The above bookmarklet searches all pages on the current website.

javascript:q=""+(window.getSelection?window.getSelection():document.getSelection?document.getSelection():document.selection.createRange().text),q||(q=prompt("You didn't select any text. Enter a search phrase:","")),null!=q&&(location=(""+escape(location.hostname)+' "'+escape(q.replace(/\"/g,""))+'"').replace(/ /g,"+"));
Drag me to bookmark bar: 👉🏻 Google Site Search with Keyword
info icon

This version prompts for a keyword first, then searches for that term within the current website.

Why Use the Google Site Search Bookmarklet?

This efficient tool helps you explore websites more thoroughly using Google's search capabilities. Perfect for researchers, content explorers, and anyone who needs to find specific information within a website. Choose between searching all pages or searching with a specific keyword.

Features comparison: