The SEO Keyword Highlighter Bookmarklet is an essential tool for SEO professionals and content analysts.
With one click, this bookmarklet allows you to highlight all instances of any keyword on the current webpage.
Perfect for quick SEO analysis, content review, and keyword research. No more manual searching or complex tools - just click and highlight!
javascript:!function(){const e=prompt("Enter keyword to highlight:");if(!e)return;const n=new RegExp(e,"gi"),o=document.createTreeWalker(document.body,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,!1),r=[];for(;o.nextNode();)o.currentNode.nodeValue.match(n)&&r.push(o.currentNode);r.forEach((e=>{const o=document.createElement("span");o.innerHTML=e.nodeValue.replace(n,(e=>`<mark style="background-color: yellow; padding: 0 2px;">${e}</mark>`)),e.parentNode.replaceChild(o,e)}))}();
Drag me to bookmark bar: 👉🏻 SEO Keyword Highlighter
This tool enhances your SEO workflow by:
- Automatically detecting and highlighting all keyword instances
- Providing case-insensitive search functionality
- Preserving original text formatting and layout
- Working seamlessly on any webpage
- Making keyword analysis quick and efficient
Why Use the SEO Keyword Highlighter? #
This powerful tool makes keyword analysis effortless. Perfect for SEO professionals, content writers, and anyone who needs to analyze keyword usage on webpages. Simply click the bookmarklet, enter your keyword, and instantly see all occurrences highlighted in yellow. Works on any webpage and helps you quickly identify keyword placement and frequency.
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